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Therapy Gardens

Decorative Plants...

Lilly in Hand
Baby Robins
Swallowtail Butterfly
Field of Chrysanthemums
Baby Robins
Apricot Roses
Garden Quote
Garden Pond
Soothing Koi Ponds

Beautiful use of color, scent, texture, variety & even sound in Therapy Gardening draws wildlife & in the landscape setting the impact calms and rejuvenates the mind, heart & body positively ...beneficial for the young and younger.


The delicate balance that we absolutely need for good health depends on our being educated & enveloped by the

Lilacs, Pines, Hummingbirds, Decorative Grasses, Flowering Trees, Roses, Impatiens, Butterfly bushes, Daisy, Coneflowers, Hydrangeas, Lilies, Wildlife, Lavender, Foxgloves...

& so much more

for the love of thrives in an Oasis,


 a Therapy Garden!

Healing Gardens...

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