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  • C. Maree

Cup O' Flowers

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

NEVER in history has the need for education arisen as in these 'critical times that are hard to deal with'. With this fact stated, it is wisdom to take reasonable and practical steps in caring for our health & the health of our loved ones, this measure shows our appreciation for the gift of life itself and it's Giver. Because there's such an abundance of information, therefore, make an earnest effort to collect all your information from reputable sources (pros/cons).

Knowing the reason why vegetation (flowers - plants - bushes - trees) was specifically placed on our beautiful planet is a generous clue...they have an important and irreplaceable role in our daily health function, 'not to be overlooked' in our lives.

Yes, we live in a world today that is woefully contaminated on many & varying levels. This is reflected in our overall physical and mental health situation diseases too numerous to name we're sadly aware of what pain these do cause us.

Cold & Flu? ...have you ever tried a 'Cup O' Flowers'?'re probably thinking, 'Hey! I need STRONG meds for this nasty stuff!' ...& that's exactly why We NEED Plants for good health! This has been well documented by numerous physicians, one for example: Dr. Mark Hyman, Functional Medicine, CCF; and another is Dr. John Bergman. Take the time to investigate what their findings have revealed.

Truly, we are intricate and wonderfully designed creatures - yet, the human factor is simple, staying within those given boundaries is our given responsibility to thrive & be happy in doing that...staying far away from what is contaminated is another major responsibility! The way now to go is: 'Clean. Green. Raw.' - 'Organic.' - 'Home Grown.' - 'Unpretentious & Simple' ...eliminating factory canned, processed, and packaged 'shelf-stable' foods from our diet is very helpful. Absolutely knowing the source and the primary condition of our food plays a key role to improved functional health.

'Cup O' Flowers'

1/8 tsp cayenne [dry powdered]

1/4 tsp ginger [grate]

1 lemon [fresh squeezed/deseeded]

1 lg clove garlic [garlic presser]

& honey 1 tsp (to taste)

steeped in a cup of hot water...

(This recipe is also known as the 'Flu Bomb', still it's a simple 'Cup O' Flowers' that fights hard for our good health. I've tried this excellent recipe previously & of lately (Saturday 1.11.2020) I did something a little different. Instead of grating the ginger and garlic, I put all the ingredients (minus the honey) in the blender on liquify with a small amount of room temperature water (about half of the amount of your teacup/mug), then adding to this liquified mixture the difference of hot water & honey in my teacup...Very Smooth & Soothing!)

12.31.19 'my garlic stash' | C. Maree

1.12.2020 'Cup O' Flowers' | C. Maree

The fascinating world of flowers is well worth the investment to explore...plants are all around us for a specific & glorious reason, then only if we take the time to consider their humble yet

exceptional value in our lives...we would stay happy (and healthier)!

Stay Happy!


C. Maree

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